Monday 24 February 2014

Skin To Skin...

Healthy, glowing and clear looking skin is very attractive, in both women and men, not just women.  Cleansing, toning, moisturizing, exfoliating and masking is important for your face as most people already know. However, taking care of the skin on the rest of your body is equally important. More to drinking lots of water, bathing and moisturizing your body, I highly recommend skin brushing and body exfoliation!

What is skin brushing?

Skin brushing is the natural way to detox, cleanse and improve texture and tone of the skin.  While enhancing your skin, it can change the health of your whole body.


Dry brush the skin every morning, before showering or bathing. Starting at the soles of the feet work with long sweeping upward movements, towards the heard, focusing on areas prone to cellulite. I personally do not do this every morning but when I do have some time I most definitely do.

Caring for your brush:

If you buy one that is excellent quality it could last you a lifetime. Try to get one that has natural Cactus bristles like the Elemis one –, the one from The Body Shop is also good. You must never wash your brush, after every use spray it with Tea Tree Spray to disinfect and remove bacteria.

Body exfoliation is done in most Spa’s, but if you cannot make it to a Spa don’t despair. Once a month I mix olive oil and sugar then after body brushing using circular motion start from my toes to my neck focusing on some areas, knees and elbows being some of those areas then shower. My skin feels heavenly afterwards!

One of the benefits for body brushing and body exfoliating is the removal of dead skin cells which will help your body oils and butters penetrate your skin better giving you maximum results from the products.

Healthy skin is attractive – true story ;)

Yours in Uzuri,






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