Monday 10 February 2014

Get Her A Chloe' Bag

This past weekend some girls and I went on a road trip and oh what fun we had! As you know when you put women together the topic of............................................................Relationships! always comes up J  Well, this time was no different. This other friend of mine was talking about how this guy she was seeing went MIA and recently appeared declaring his undying love for her and how much he realised during his absence that he needs her (we have all heard that one before *rolls eyes*) now they are ‘together’ again and they are happy! She then says she would not have even seen him but because he had a Chloe’ bag with him he got the opportunity and got to spend the night ;).

This got me thinking what my ‘Chloe’ bag’ is, I asked the other ladies what theirs is. From a friend of mine who is married said that hers is “knowing that her husband is always by her side and that he’ll always have her back that no matter how bad things are...”. This other lady said if her man were to come up to her, pick her up, tickle her and be playful that alone would break the ice (looking at her most men would be scared to even approach her, she just has one of those f*#! Off faces on all the time) another one said it would have to be a Brazilian weave and nothing else she said flicking her hair.


Ladies: Your Chloe’ bag says a lot about the kind of woman you are, know your worth.

Gentle brothers: When it comes to dealing with women, sometimes if not most of the time that Chloe’ bag is you, the man that you are and not what you can buy for us. NB: Please note that this might not apply to girls.


Without contradicting myself, gifts are always welcome! The more on a random date it is given the more appreciated it is. Just don’t use them to get out of situations – man up.

Yours in Uzuri,



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