Thursday 29 August 2013

About time...Thank you Mel :)

This is long over due! This is the first of many to come J Over the past couple of years I’ve been receiving a lot of questions on different things that I have interest in which are beauty, health, lifestyle, fashion, etiquette and of course love!
On this blog I will basically be sharing what I have learnt over the years, what I’m still learning, what inspires me and whatever else that might be on my mind on these different interests, hopefully answering some of the questions and I pray that someday my own children will read this and learn something...
I might not post as often as I’d like because I’m not a professional blogger and a girl has got to make a living ;) but you can get me on Facebook: Sindisiwe Uzuri or Twitter: @sindisiweuzuri.
Till then hunnies, ciao!
Sindisiwe Uzuri

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